Félicité Bidault

  • Lawyer with Adaltys Avocats since January 2023
  • Student lawyer, then jurist with Adaltys Avocats (March – December 2022)
  • Legal Affairs Officer at SYTRAL as part of his studies at the Rhône-Alpes Law School (September 2021 – February 2022)
  • Student lawyer at Adaltys Avocats (February – May 2021)
  • Certificat d’aptitude à la profession d’avocat – Lyon (2022)
  • Master 2 Droit des affaires, spécialité transports – Centre de droit maritime et des transports, Université d’Aix-Marseille (2019)

  • Master 1 Public law – Lyon 3 University (2018)

  • One-year academic exchange at Saint-Paul University in Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) (2017)

  • French
  • English

Félicité Bidault joined Adaltys in January 2023.

She specializes in public business law (public contracts, public domaniality, public and semi-public structures).

She assists public players and their private partners in structuring and implementing their public projects in the transport, infrastructure, construction and waste sectors.

In particular, her mission is to identify the most appropriate contractual arrangements for the implementation of public projects (study of possible implementation and operating methods: types of contract to be signed, dedicated structures to be created), then to support local authorities or their groupings in implementing the recommended contract award procedures (concession, DSP, public procurement, AOT/COT, etc.) or in creating public or semi-public structures (SEM, SPL, GIP).

She holds a Master’s degree in transport law from the legal affairs department of the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille, and gained experience with Transdev Group. She regularly works in the transport sector (urban and suburban transport, ski lifts, rail transport, ports, etc.).

  • Lawyer with Adaltys Avocats since January 2023
  • Student lawyer, then jurist with Adaltys Avocats (March – December 2022)
  • Legal Affairs Officer at SYTRAL as part of his studies at the Rhône-Alpes Law School (September 2021 – February 2022)
  • Student lawyer at Adaltys Avocats (February – May 2021)
  • Certificat d’aptitude à la profession d’avocat – Lyon (2022)
  • Master 2 Droit des affaires, spécialité transports – Centre de droit maritime et des transports, Université d’Aix-Marseille (2019)

  • Master 1 Public law – Lyon 3 University (2018)

  • One-year academic exchange at Saint-Paul University in Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) (2017)

  • French
  • English


Public ownership / Public-private partnerships /